Location: The Hague, Shell Head Quarters
Company restaurant C16/0A48
Adress reception main entrance: Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR Den Haag, the Netherlands
Adres parking: Groenhovenstraat
Time: 17:00 - 20:00

  • 17:00  Reception with coffee/tea 
  • 17:30  Welcome by the President of ASIS International Benelux Chapter followed by an introduction by the host of Shell
  • 18:15  Two speakers on 'Terrorism - Soft Targets'
  • 19:00  Networking reception with snack
  • 20:00  End

Bart Schuurman:
Titel: Lone-actor terrorist attack planning and preparation

Samenvatting: Lone-actor terrorism is on the rise throughout Europe and the United States. This presentation discusses a 3-year research project on how these individuals plan and prepare their attacks. The results provide concrete input for police and security agencies working to detect and prevent lone-actor terrorism and challenge common assumptions about what are often called ‘lone wolves’.

Peter de Kock:
Titel: Discovering the narrative of terrorism in Big data 

Samenvatting: One of the most complex challenges societies currently face is the threat of terrorism. In order to adequately prevent terrorism, law enforcement agencies and intelligence services need to shift from prosecuting crime to anticipating crime. In this approach the discovery of the narrative of a terrorist organisation seems to be crucial. Pandora Intelligence have developed an innovative scenario-model that can be used to detect narratives in crime-related data. These narratives can be used to effectively anticipate criminal behaviour. Moreover, the scenario-model may be used to create “alternarratives”, intervention-options that neutralise the narrative of the adverse party.

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