OCTOBER 11th & 12th, 2023



14:00 - 16:00: Guided tour of Museum aan de Stroom (MAS) 
MAS, Hanzestedenplaats 1, Antwerpen (B)

In the MAS, you get to know Antwerp in the world and the world in Antwerp. 

You can participate in one of four guided tours:

  • Timeslot: 14:00 - 16:00 → MASTour
    • 2 tours
    • MAS, the Museum aan de Stroom, is home to exhibitions that make the connection between the city and the world. On this tour, you will learn the story behind this exceptional building and its collections and exhibitions. Experience the encounters the river and the port have brought about for centuries. Here and elsewhere.
  • Timeslot: 14:30 - 16:00 → Architectural splendour of the MAS
    • 1 tour
    • With all your senses, you discover the city's rich past, river, port and world. You will enjoy the breathtaking view of the city and be surprised by the many large and small details of an architectural gem.
  • Timeslot: 14:30 - 16:00 → City in War 1940 - 1945
    • 1 tour
    • A new exhibition about Antwerp during the Second World War opens at the MAS. Antwerp was particularly hard hit by the war. Nazi terror, persecution of Jews and military violence killed 25 000 city residents. The MAS wants to highlight this vital part of the city’s history with a new exhibition.


18:00 - 22:30: Chapter dinner at Amuz (dress code: festive tenue de ville)
Amuz, Kammenstraat 81, Antwerpen (B)

After enjoying a welcome drink, illusionist Gili will entertain us prior to sitting down for dinner.

Please inform us of any dietary requirements and/or restrictions you may have before October 4 via secretariat@asisbenelux.eu.



Overnight stay: ASIS Benelux has blocked rooms at several hotels for the night of 11 on 12 October 2023. If you would like to use this, you can book via this link. You are of course free to choose another hotel.

Please note that the entire program of the ASIS Benelux Fall Meeting is in Dutch. A translator is available for our foreign guests.

If you have any food allergies, please let us know via secretariat@asisbenelux.eu before October 4.


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